Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer in the Hills

I'm in the swing of summer now - waking later, taking long walks with my husband, finding strawberries in our weedy patch before the chipmunks snatch them.  It's beautiful here in our little town and I'm so happy to have these quieter days.

Meet our new friends across the street.  I love watching these goats.  Really, they don't do much other than what you see in the picture, but they seem so much more playful than other animals.  When excited, they frolic about haphazardly almost teetering over the rock wall in their enclosure.  I like to do my best goat bleat (is this the sound they make?) whenever I walk by.  Of course, they look at me like I'm an idiot and continue to chew on.

When my boys were younger, we'd take walks over to the farm to see the animals.  I loved these walks - it was a great way to keep the kids busy and get some fresh air.  We'd point to each animal and say the name and make the sound.  Most days we were mooing more than the cows.  Even though my boys are well past their stroller days, we still love to visit.

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